<---- This basicly sums up how I felt going into the session. I was very unsure of what I was supposed to be doing and if I had the right idea on anything I was doing. I didn't really. I was already panicing because my printer wasn't working! (What else is new!!! It hates me. I swear it does...) I felt stupid cause I couldn't figure out how to print from the SMC and so I was upset because I wasn't sure if the paper was part of our grade or not. So I was really worried about that. So when it was my turn to go in my stumach was in knots and I felt sick. He asked me what I had in mind and I told him that I wanted to do something with how the whole woman's rights issue started like what caused it, who caused and how did it come about....was it just one woman who was like "Enough is enough...we are people too we deserve the same rights as they do!"? I really wasn't sure and I was kind of curious to find out. He said that wasn't what I was supposed to be doing! That it was supposed to be able to be argued. He told me about something about the third wave movement and how the third wave and the second wave didn't really agree on what to fight for. I am to talk about that in my paper, what they had in common and what they didn't. What they should be fighting for today and if they have the right idea, and if not what SHOULD they be fighting for. I wasn't sure if this was supposed to be a research paper argument combonation paper but I think that's what it has turned into. I read some other blogs and I feel some other people are with me when I say we feel a little unsure on that. But hopefully that will be cleared up with time. I'm really excited about this paper and I can't wait to get started! It's something I look forward to learning more about seeing as I am a woman and some of these issues will affect me since I plan on going into the work force. I hope to learn alot and maybe learn how I can help in some way.
Thank you for reading!
This has been Allison Kreiser.
Thank you for reading!
This has been Allison Kreiser.
Good bye for now!
I think we all were a little confusing about what we were suppose to be writing about when we first went to the conference but I think that he was able to help us all narrow down your topic and go into the right direction. I think is a good thing that you are excited about writing the paper because that should make it a lot easier.